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Day 1

Day 1 1


Week of Prayer Overview

Making a difference. If we’re honest, we all aspire to that goal in one way or another. We want our lives to count, to have a positive effect on others. As Alabama Baptists, the Week of Prayer for State Missions and the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering provide us with specific and tangible ways to not only make a difference, but an eternal one, in the lives of others.

It all starts with prayer. James 5:16 teaches us that when we pray fervently, it accomplishes much! During this Week of Prayer, we unite our hearts in a spirit of prayer for a lost and dying world. Then our collective gifts help equip Alabama Baptists to take the healing hope of the Gospel to our local communities and beyond.

Will you commit this week to make a difference by boldly praying for the ministries and people listed in this guide? Then will you prayerfully consider your generous gift to the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering? As we pray, give and go, we are making a world of difference in a world where a difference needs to be made!

How you can pray...

  • Pray for Alabama WMU as they encourage missional living by challenging, equipping and empowering Alabama Baptists.
  • Pray for Disaster Relief efforts that will bring hope and healing to the hurting.
  • Pray for Church Planting efforts among the unreached and unchurched in our state.
  • Pray for Church Revitalization to take place in churches and leaders across Alabama.
  • Pray for relationships between Alabama churches and missionaries around the world to be fostered through Partnership Missions.