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Two lives well lived for one mission...

The Great Commission


Dr. Martha Myers was martyred along with two other missionaries in the country of Yemen in 2002. But more important than the death she died is the life she lived.

Martha Myers

Dr. Martha, as she was known, lived a life of service and faithful obedience to the Lord. She spent countless hours walking tirelessly village to village where her Land Rover couldn’t go—all in pursuit of taking the Gospel to the people of Yemen. Her dedication to the cause of Christ is an inspiration to all and an example of what it means to give of yourself so that others may hear. 


Kathleen Mallory was born and raised in Selma, Ala., in 1879 and was one of the early leaders of the WMU. She served as superintendent of the Dallas County WMU and as secretary-treasurer of WMU, SBC.

kathleen mallory

She frequently traveled outside the state to speak under difficult circumstances. Amid opposition to women speaking publicly, Kathleen’s challenging messages were greatly influential in breaking down obstacles to women’s service in missions worldwide.  She promoted work with every ethnic group and taught that every woman ought to be a soul winner and a generous giver.